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  • What is grief?
    A) Grief is your normal and natural set of human reactions to change or loss. B) Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar patterns.
  • Is grief only about death?
    No. Grief is your reaction to death, divorce, or any other type of change or loss.
  • What if I have experienced trauma?
    Trauma is the event(s) that hurt you. Grief is the feelings that are left over.
  • What if I have PTSD?
    Is your PTSD the result of moments that you wish had ended different or better? Grief Recovery will help you find what you wish had ended different or better and teach you the correct information and actions that lead to emotional recovery.
  • What if I have anxiety?
    Anxiety is a physical reaction to fear of the unknown; emotions from events of the future that have yet to come. Grief Recovery Method helps grievers to live less in the future and more in the present, thus a lasting reduction in anxiety symptoms results.
  • What if I have depression?
    Depression is a physical reaction to events of the past; emotion from experiences come and gone. Grief Recovery Method helps grievers to live less in the past and more in the present, thus a lasting reduction in depression symptoms results.
  • What if I don't have any grief?
    Do you have memories that you wish would have ended different, better, or more? Do you have unmet hopes, dreams, or expectations? Grief Recovery Method will help you find this unfinished emotional business and help you complete it by taking the actions necessary that will lead you to recovery. If not for you, consider taking a class to help you be a better support system for your corner of the world using the evidence-based tools, information, and actions of the Grief Recovery Method. Can you say your own way has been proven as effective?
  • How soon after a grief event can I take a class?
    If you fell and broke your arm, how long would you wait to seek help? The Grief Recovery Method is as beneficial immediately after a loss as it is if your loss occurred decades ago. The only "right time" is the time that you are ready to seek recovery.
  • Will I forget my loved one if I take this class?
    Grief Recovery Method classes help you to keep your fond memories while recovering from any pain associated with them. In essence the information and actions of recovery restore your memories because you will no longer need to suppress them in attempt to avoid the pain associated with them.
  • What's the difference between therapy and Grief Recovery?
    Grief Recovery deals with matters of the heart--the emotional effects of change or loss. Therapy deals with matters of the head. Close your eyes...where do you feel your pain? If somewhere from your neck to your hips, and not in your head, then a Grief Recovery Method class is for you.
  • Can I use my insurance?
    Personal investments for a Grief Recovery Method class may sometimes be funded by a Health Savings Account. Please contact your provider for this information. Most often classes are privately funded by individuals seeking recovery.
  • Will this work for pet loss?
    Yes! Pet loss is time of heartache, as the pet is often a source of unconditional love and companionship. The Grief Recovery Method is designed to help you complete what has been left emotionally incomplete as a result of death, divorce, or any other loss.
  • Can my kids take this class with me?
    Helping Children with Loss class is a wonderful class for adults with children in their care. The class helps adults recognize grief in children and equips and empowers them to lead the children to emotional recovery.
  • How do I know this will work?
    Opening our heart to a stranger is scary. This Method is evidence-based, the only one in the world and on every continent (except Antarctica), so you can rest assured that the correct information and specific actions of a Grief Recovery Method class will do what they say.
  • We are having fertility issues. Will this help?
    Yes the Grief Recovery Method is designed to help you complete the emotional buildup that has resulted from your loss of hopes, dreams, and expectations as you are trying to/have tried to conceive.
  • What if no one has died? Will I still be able to recover?
    Recovery is about the moments that we wish would have been different or better, or for what we wish we had more of--comfort, safety, connection, love, etc.. Classes are as effective for our incomplete relationships with the living as well as those of the dead.

Rachelle Jones
Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise
Level II Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist
Grief Recovery Institute Trainer
Pastor | Official Volunteer LASD-SCV | Former SICU Nurse

23638 Lyons Ave., #433
Newhall, CA 91321
Phone: 661-200-9489

  • Instagram GRwRachelle
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  • Twitter GRwRachelle
  • YouTube Rachelle Jones
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