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Pacific Standard (PST)

T | W | Th




Pacific Standard (PST)

T | W | Th




Pacific Standard (PST)

Private Events Only


emotion grief recovery stress anxiety depression ptsd trauma informed suicide bereavement

Students (age 18+) will learn the exact step-by-step actions necessary to help children within their reach to move through uncomfortable feelings that result when anything familiar changes. Children are particularly sensitive to changes from what is familiar to them, and need the adults around them to both help and teach them what to do to feel better.

The actions learned by adults in this class are life skills that humans must possess in order to stand resiliently in the face of life's difficult moments. This action plan can/should be used for any type of loss a child may experience and will NEVER expire!

Classes are taught over the course of 4-weekly sessions that last approximately 2 1/2 hours each. Takes place ONLINE.

emotion grief recovery stress anxiety depression ptsd trauma informed suicide bereavement

Students (age 18+) will learn exact step-by-step actions necessary to move through uncomfortable feelings that result when anything familiar changes.

The evidence-based actions learned and taken are life skills that humans must possess in order to stand resiliently in the face of life's build-up of difficult moments. This action plan can/should be used for any type of loss and will NEVER expire!

Classes are taught over the course of 8-weekly sessions that last approximately 90 minutes each, or in 2 1/2 days. Both take place ONLINE.

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